
Prachi Deshpande
Professor in History
Ph.d. (Tufts University , Medford, MA)
Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta
R–1, Baishnabghata Patuli Township, Kolkata – 700 094, India
Tel : +91 (0)33 2462 7252 / 5794 / 5795 / 2436 8313 / 7794 / 95 / 97
Room Extn. : 209 Fax : +91 (0)33 2462 6183
Email : pdeshpande@cssscal.org, prarochana@gmail.com
Research Interests
Language and modernity; script and language; multilinguality; cultures of historiography; memory; translation; scribal cultures, Maratha states; 19th and 20th century western India; Marathi literature and culture.
Courses Taught
Problems of Historical Writing and Method (M.Phil. & Ph.D).