
Sugata Marjit
Reserve Bank of India Professor of Industrial Economics
Ph.D. (University of Rochester, USA)
Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta
R–1, Baishnabghata Patuli Township, Kolkata – 700 094, India
Tel : +91 (0)33 2462 7252 / 5794 / 5795 / 2436 8313 / 7794 / 95 / 97
Room Extn. : 201 Fax : +91 (0)33 2462 6183
Email : sugata@cssscal.org
Research Interests
International Economics, Economic Development, Economics of Corruption and Governance, Banking and Finance, Rational Choice Models of Political Economy, West Bengal Economy and Indian Economy.
Courses Taught
Development Economics.
South Asian Journal of Macroeconomics and Public Finance (SAGE, India / UK)
Awards/ Honors
- Recipient of the Panchanan Chakravarty Memorial Award (1999) awarded by the Bengal Economic Association for promoting teaching and research in West Bengal, India.
- Mahalanobis Memorial Medal, Indian Econometric Society, 2002.
- Recipient of the best paper award US$10000 from the Global Development Network (World Bank) on the theme "Globalization and Inequality" (2003).
- Recipient of V.K.R.V. Rao National Award for Young Social Scientist (Economics, 2003) by the Indian Council of Social Science Research ( Ministry of HRD., Govt. of India).
- External Fellow - Leverhulme Centre for Global Economic Policy, University of Nottingham (2008-2010).
- REPEC World Ranking of Authors – Among Top 2 % in Asia and Top 5% Worldwide