Our students, after successfully completing their courses at the Centre, have been admitted to some of the best universities in the world. We are proud of their accomplishments and idealism as they continue their journey through life.
The Centre currently offers the PhD degree and also offered the MPhil degree until 2022. The PhD Programme of CSSSC is affiliated to Jadavpur University, Kolkata.
Students in the PhD Programme
The Centre has a PhD Programme which regularly accepts students interested in working on areas of faculty specialisation. The current faculty strengths are broad, and can support students interested in political theory and practice, literary and cultural studies, modern and medieval Indian history, art history, feminism and sexuality studies, international trade, macro economics, financial economics, labour economics, poverty and income distribution, law and economics and sociological theory and practice. Interdisciplinary work is encouraged. Since the Centre is not a degree–granting institution, students are registered in Jadavpur University, as the said programme is affiliated to Jadavpur University. A limited number of full–time fellowships are made available from time to time. Students who enroll for the PhD and do not have M.Phil degree are expected to take thePhD Course Work in their first year. Students will have access to the Centre’s excellent collection of books and journals in addition to online journals available on JSTOR and Project Muse. Hostel facilities are currently unavailable. During the programme, students are expected to furnish progress reports every six months and make at least two annual presentation of their work in progress. Students may consult this page for periodic announcements inviting applications for the PhD programme and announcing fellowships.
Our current students, Previous students, Students from before 2010, External studentsStudents in the MPhil Programme
‘M. Phil. in Social Sciences’ was an inter–disciplinary Programme. It was affiliated to Jadavpur University, Kolkata. After the completion of the two–year Programme students obtained Jadavpur University’s degree, ‘M.Phil. in Social Sciences.’ The programme was meant for research students in India who wished to pursue doctoral research but had not enrolled in any doctoral programme or any other full–time taught course. Both the First and Second year of the Programme were split in two semesters. The first year was devoted to course–work and the second to the writing of dissertation. The course–work consists of a core of interdisciplinary courses in the social sciences and a choice of specialized advanced courses in disciplines, such as, Economics, History, Political Sciences, Cultural Studies, Sociology, Environmental Studies, Development Studies, Geography, Women’s Studies, Anthropology. The objective was to equip young researchers with a general grasp of the main intellectual concerns of social science research, the most important recent trends in the social sciences and a strong groundings in interdisciplinary methods. In the second year every student had to write an M.Phil. dissertation.
Our MPhil StudentsGroup Photographs of CSSSC Students

Students Sitting(left): Arijeet Mandal, Saumyashree Ghosh, Shaheen K., Swathi S.,Ritwika Misra, Rukmini, Chakraborty, Arunima Chakraborty, Rohan Basu
List of Current PhD Scholars | |||||
Sl. No. | Name | Date of Registr-ation | Supervisor | Area of Research | |
1 | Ayatree
Saha |
Apr-22 | Dr. Trina Nileena Banerjee | Undoing Sleep; Studding Sleep in the social World of Kolkata | |
2 | Arju Khatun | Apr-22 | Dr. Debdatta Chowdhury | A study of the woman figure as a site of national literary politics in colonial Bengal (1865 - 1925) | |
3 | Suniti Hembrom | Apr-22 | Prof. Saibal Kar, Professor | Transformation from Stone to Coal – is it the Curse or blessing of Natural Resources | |
4 | Ahana Chakrabarti | Sep-21 | Dr. Maidul Islam | Understanding the ‘political’: Citizenship Discourse in India | |
5 | Arkabrata Chaudhury | Sep-21 | Dr. Souvik Mukherjee | Ludic Cities: Exploring Urban Spaces in Video Games |
6 | Athira A | Sep-21 | Dr. Ch. Satish | A Discourse On Sin And Grace; An Understanding Of Bharanippattu And The Voice Of Subaltern | |
7 | Lasang Lepcha | Sep-21 | Dr. Priya Sangameswaran | Tracing the Culture of New Forms of Entrepreneurial Activities in Darjeeling Hills | |
8 | Pritha Chatterjee | Sep-21 | Prof. Rosinka Chaudhuri | Inheriting
Modernity from a ‘Disinherited Community’ :The East-Indians of the Early
19th Century Calcutta |
9 | Rohitashwa Sarkar | Sep-21 | Dr. Anirban Das | Univocity, Multiplicity, Unity: The debate between Badiou and Deleuze | |
10 | Shamayeeta Ghosh | Sep-21 | Dr. Rajarshi Ghose | Community, Craft and Labour: Dhokra artisans of West Benga | |
11 | Syamantak Chattopadhyay | Sep-21 | Prof. Saibal Kar | Female Labour Force Participation in India: An Enquiry from Varied Perspectives | |
12 | Arkaneel Khan | Sep-21 | Dr. Souvik Mukherjee | Digital humanities and caste | |
13 | Sangam Ghatani | Sep-21 | Dr. Asha Singh | ‘Gorkha Dalits’ in North-East India: Mapping a ‘New’ Social Movement | |
14 | Sujoy Das | Sep-21 | Dr. Rajarshi Ghose | Hindutter rajniti samaj sanskarer prokalp Digindranarayan Bhattacharyya o taar samakalin Bangala 1915 khrishtabda - 1947 khrishtabda | |
15 | Sunanda Roy | Sep-21 | Dr. Debdatta Chowdhury | Broad Research Area: Cultural Studies/Gender Studies/Gender and 1Jurisprudence | |
16 | Reshma Khatoon | Sep-21 | Prof. Rosinka Chaudhuri | Eurasian poets and the making of cultural sphere in early 19th Century Calcutta. | |
17 | Tista Khatun | Sep-21 | Dr. Maidul Islam | Muslim Women and their Contribution to Societal Progress in Nineteenth Century | |
18 | Nabanita Paul | Sep-21 | Dr. Dickens Leonard | The Political Imaginings of the Post-partition Generation of Writers in the North-east India: The Idea of the Nation-state and its Alternative | |
19 | Sunil Basak | Sep-21 | Dr. Dickens Leonard M. | Displaced: Struggling for Resettlement and Identity in Post-Partitioned Bengal | |
20 | Rajarshi Dasgupta | Sep-21 | Dr. Rajarshi Ghose | Searching for Secularism: An Enquiry into the Prevalence of Secular Sensibilities in the Socio-Political Realm of Late Colonial Bengal | |
21 | Angana Dasgupta | Sep-21 | Dr. Trina Nileena Banerjee | Ritual Possession in Bengal : Disentangling Knots - Embodiment, Space and Personhood. | |
22 | Puja Sen Majumdar | Jun-20 | Dr. Anirban Das | Between Individual And Collective: Thiking Politics Of Community Through Sexual Difference And Finitude | |
23 | Shruti Sharma | Jun-20 | Dr. Priya Sangameswaran | Producing
for PIay: Spaces, Social Relations and Materialities of Sports Goods
Production in India |
24 | Sukruta Alluri | Jun-20 | Dr. Sathish Chennur | The
Labour of the Negative’: Tracing a Contradictory Alienation from Hegel to
Lacan |
25 | Abhay Kumar Roy | Mar-19 | Dr. Sathish Chennur | Contemporary Retellings of the Mahabharata: Questions of Politics and Agency | |
26 | Aishani Roy | Mar-19 | Dr. Anirban Das | The Erotic Object: Self and Thingness in Literature | |
27 | Ammel Sharon | Mar-19 | Dr. Prachi Deshpande | Literature as Recovery: The Public Life of Text Criticism in Kannada | |
28 | Anirban Mondal | Mar-19 | Prof. Rosinka Chaudhuri | বাংলা গোয়েন্দা সাহিত্যে ঔপনিবেশিক এবং উত্তর-ঔপনিবেশিক ইতিহাস — ১৮৯১-১৯৯১ | |
29 | Aratrika Roy Chowdhury | Mar-19 | Dr. Tushar K. Nandi | Institutions, Assortative Mating and Female Labour Force Participation in India | |
30 | Archita Mukherjee | Mar-19 | Dr. Pranab Kumar Das | Demographic Transition, Wealth Accumulation, and Growth: Theory and Evidence | |
31 | Chaitanya Majumdar | Mar-19 | Professor Manabi Majumdar | সীমান্ত, জনজীবন এবং আর্থ- রাজনৈতিক পরিসরের গতিপ্রকৃতি : নদীয়া ও মুর্শিদাবাদের প্রেক্ষাপট | |
32 | Debadrita Mandal | Mar-19 | Dr. Priya Sangameswaran | ‘Wild’ Animals in the City: Open Spaces, Urbanization and Human-Nature Relationships | |
33 | Debashis Sarkar | Mar-19 | Professor Manabi Majumdar | যোগেন্দ্রনাথ মণ্ডল: রাজনৈতিক দর্শন ও তার বিবর্তন (১৯৩৭-১৯৬৮) | |
34 | Mrinalini Subba | Mar-19 | Dr. Debdatta Chowdhury | Navigating Statelessness: A Study on Bangladeshi Women in Kolkata. | |
35 | Nasima Islam | Mar-19 | Prof. Tapati Guha Thakurta | Minor literature and minoritised identities: Rethinking the notion of literary-cultural censorship in contemporary India through Miya poetry | |
36 | Pooja Sanyal | Mar-19 | Prof. Rosinka Chaudhuri | Marxism and Modernism: Exploring Bengali Literature from 1930–50 | |
37 | Rabbani Alam | Mar-19 | Dr. Debdatta Chowdhury | ||
38 | Ruchira Goswami | Mar-19 | Dr. Karthick Ram Manoharan | Women's Movements, Gender Based Violence and Legal Refoms in India:Mapping the Trajectory in the last two decades | |
39 | Srija Naskar | Mar-19 | Dr. Asha Singh | Feminism, Ecology and Caste: A Study of Bengali Dalit Women's Writings (1960-2020) | |
40 | Ayan Das | Jul-17 | Dr. Maidul Islam | Populism and Governance: A Study of West Bengal Politics from 1991- 2016 | |
41 | Biboswan Bose | Jul-17 | Dr. Anirban Das | Conceptualizing Comics: Studies on the Nature of Spatiality | |
42 | Dwaipayan Banerjee | Jul-17 | Dr. Maidul Islam | Contrasting modes of working class movements in India since 1980 | |
43 | Krishnendu Maji | Jul-17 | Dr. Pranab Kumar Das | Monetary Policy and Inflationary Dynamics: Theory and Evidence | |
44 | Labani Jangi | Jul-17 | Dr. Rajarshi Ghosh | পরিযায়ন, আবর্তন, পরিণাম: সমকালীন পশ্চিমবঙ্গের পরিযায়ী শ্রমিকের জীবন-বিশ্ব | |
45 | Pintu Das | Jul-17 | Prof. Manabi Majumdar | সুন্দরবনের নতুন কৃষিব্যবস্থা: ভিন্ন পরিসরে সাবেকী চিন্তা? | |
46 | Sharmistha Ghosh | Mar-16 | Prof. Manabi Majumdar | Power Within: Exploring Changing Gender Roles and Power Dynamic in the Bangladeshi Household | |
47 | Debraj Dasgupta | Mar-16 | Dr. Anirban Das | Lekhar kaaj: Sromsamayer anya avijnata o likhoner katha | |
48 | Arghya Ganguly | Mar-16 | Prof. Rosinka Chaudhuri | David Foster Wallace and Karl Ove Knausgaard: the Funhouse called Loneliness and Failure | |
49 | Supratik Guha | Mar-16 | Prof. Saibal Kar | Capital Inflow, Production Fragmentation and Environment | |
50 | Iman Pal | Mar-16 | Prof. Saibal Kar | Contagion of Crisis, International Trade and Welfare | |
51 | Saptarshi Mitra | Mar-16 | Dr. Pranab Kumar Das | A critical inquiry into 'finance-growth' nexus. | |
52 | Moumita Bala | Mar-16 | Prof. Saibal Kar | Essays on Energy Prices, Market Structure and Environmental Implications | |
53 | Atanu Sarkar | Mar-16 | Dr. Souvik Mukherjee | Beckett
per forms: language, visuals, pause and performance |
54 | Monikinkini Basu | Mar-15 | Dr. Trina Nileena Banerjee | Men Meet Market: Bollywood, Public(ity) and the Male Body. | |
55 | Rajiv Roy | Mar-15 | Dr. Dickens Leonard M | Postmodernity and the Idea of God: Re-placing Tagore and Eliot. | |
56 | Rita Chatterjee | Mar-15 | Prof. Rosinka Chaudhuri | MAPPING SPACES AND BORDERS: INDIAN TRAVEL NARRATIVES BY BRITISH WOMEN (CIRCA:1770-1850 | |
57 | Turna Das | Mar-15 | Dr. Trina Nileena Banerjee | bangla natoker itihas: ouponibesik prekshit o kichu prashna | |
58 | Rohan Basu | Aug-14 | Dr. Kiran Keshavamurthy | Of Innocence and Other Monsters: Love and Violence in Contemporary Bollywood | |
59 | Arunima Chakraborty | Aug-14 | Dr. Anirban Das | In search of the 'great outdoors': Explorations in Speculative Realism and Materialism | |
60 | Arkadeb Banerjee | Aug-14 | Dr. Prachi Deshpande | History of Early Twentieth-Century Calcutta: Changes, Ruptures, Contestations | |
61 | Koyel Lahiri | Nov-13 | Dr. Dwaipayan Bhattacharyya & Dr. Priya Sangameswaran | Politics of organising urban work: A study of two sites in India's transforming economy | |
62 | Richa Gupta | Nov-13 | Prof. Manas Ray | Writing Ruins: history and spaces of destruction in the fiction of W G Sebald | |
63 | Debabrata Sardar | Nov-13 | Dr. Kiran Keshavamurthy | Exploring
Female Inner Worlds in the Stories of Shaahi Deshpande |
63 | Senjuti Chakraborti | Nov-13 | Prof. Manas Ray | Literary Governmentalities: Race and Resistance in modern western law and Toni Morrison’s fiction |
List of PhD Scholars awarded PhD Degree | |||||
Sl. No. | Name | Date of Registration | Supervisor | Area of Research | Date of Convocation |
1 | Suryaprakash Misra | Jul-17 | Prof. Sugata Marjit | Three Essays on Credit Markets and Industrial Organisation | Dec-20 |
2 | Rimpa Ghosh | Mar-16 | Dr. Trina Nileena Banerjee | Gendered Informality: Life, Work and the Politics of Livelihood in Kolkata’s Street Economy | Dec-22 |
3 | Sampurna Chakraborty | Mar-15 | Prof. Tapati Guha Thakurta | Pedagogy of Practice: A History of Art Education in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Bengal (1850 -1951)” | Viva Completed Convocation Due on Dec-23 |
4 | Amit Bindal | Mar-15 | Dr. Prachi Deshpande | Law, Myth, and Modernity: A Study in Legal Epistemology | Dec-22 |
5 | Sweta Lahiri | Aug-14 | Dr. Tushar K. Nandi | Three essays on the labour market outcomes of youth | Dec-22 |
6 | Dipparna Jana | Aug-14 | Dr. Saibal Kar | Crime, Institutions and Welfare - Three Essays | Dec-22 |
7 | Ritam Sengupta | Nov-13 | Dr. Ritajyoti Bandhyapadhyay | Electricity before Independence Colonial Calcutta and the Politics of Technology, 1880s – 1930s | Dec-22 |
8 | Anwesha Paul (Das) | Nov-13 | Dr. Rahul Mukhopadhyay &Prof. Manabi Majumdar | Constructed Childhood: A micro-sociological study of everyday lives of street children in Kolkata, India | Dec-22 |
9 | Aritra Bhattacharya | Dec-12 | Dr. Priya Sangameswaran | Ideologies and Spaces of Cultural Resistance in Maharashtra: Performance and Caste-Class Politics since the 20th Century | Viva Completed Convocation Due on Dec-23 |
10 | Praskanva Sinharay | Nov-13 | Dr. Dwaipayan Bhattacharyya & Prof. Manabi Majumdar | A New Politics of Caste: Matua Mahasangha and Emerging Dalit Assertions in West Bengal (1988-2019) | Dec-22 |
11 | Kaustubh Das | Dec-12 | Prof. Lakshmi Subramanian | Modernity and Indian Esotericism | Viva Completed Convocation Due on Dec-23 |
12 | Parjanya Sen | Dec-12 | Prof. Tapati Guha Thakurta | Re-Imagining a Cultural Geography of Buddhism in Colonial Bengal: Travels, Sites and Lived Histories | Dec-20 |
13 | Saswati Saha | Dec-12 | Prof. Rosinka Chaudhuri | English Literary Travelogues in Bengali: A Study of Social Reformation, Translation, and Assimilation | Dec-21 |
14 | Dhritiman Chakraborty |
Dec-12 | Dr. Maidul Islam | Dilemmas of Post colonial Development in India: An Enquiry into the Politics of Two Dissident Movements | Dec-21 |
15 | Kaustubh Ray | Dec-12 | Prof. Manas Ray | Theorising the Changing Discourse of Animation | Dec-21 |
16 | Sanghita Sanyal | Dec-12 | Prof. Rosinka Chaudhuri | Reading the Songs of Rabindranath Tagore: Gender, Text and Performance | Dec-21 |
17 | Debajyoti Mondal | Dec-12 | Prof. Manas Ray | Towards a Theory of The Speculative Novel: Waliullah Kant and Systemic Ontology | Dec-19 |
18 | Zaid Al Baset | Dec-12 | Dr. Rajarshi Ghose | Inhabiting Religion, Performing Class: Middle Class Muslims in Contemporary Kolkata | Dec-17 |
19 | S. Santhosh Kumar | Dec-12 | Prof. Tapati Guha Thakurta | Teaching Patterns: Art Institutions and Pedagogy in the 20th Century Hyderabad | Dec-18 |
20 | Niranjan Jaladas | Dec-12 | Dr. Priya Sangameswaran | Migrants, Ecology, and Citizenship: Changing Trajectory of a Fishing-Based Society in Post-1960s Indian Sundarbans | Dec-17 |
21 | Santanu Sengupta | Dec-12 | Prof. Lakshmi Subramanian | The Empire’s Network: Formation of the British Empire in the Eastern Indian Ocean and the Armenian Agency (from mid-18th to 19th) century | Dec-18 |
22 | Gunja Baranwal | Dec-12 | Prof. Sugata Marjit & Prof. Saibal Kar | FDI and Human Capital Formation in India | Dec-15 |
23 | Somraj Basu | Dec-12 | Prof. Manabi Majumdar | Boundaries Of Belonging: A Social Anthropological Appraisal Of Tibetan Medical Identity Building In India | Dec-19 |
24 | Ayan Kumar Banerjee | Dec-12 | Prof. Saibal Kar | Choice of Occupation and Diversification of Risk - Study based on Indian Agriculture | Dec-15 |
25 | Devleena Majumdar | Dec-12 | Prof. Sugata Marjit & Prof. Saibal Kar | Environmental Pollution and International Trade: Three Essays | Dec-18 |
26 | Ariktam Chatterjee | Sep-11 | Prof. Rosinka Chaudhuri | BIBLE TRANSLATION IN BENGALI: 1800 TO THE PRESENT | Dec-20 |
27 | Kallol Roy | Sep-11 | Prof. Tapati Guha Thakurta | Rabindranath Tagore and the Problem of Narration in Indian Art History: Paintings, Museums and Markets | Dec-19 |
28 | Sagnik Atarthi | Sep-11 | Prof. Lakshmi Subramanian | Towards an Alternative History: Bengal and its Musical Publics (1940-1970) | Dec-15 |
29 | Anirban Bhattacharjee | Jan-11 | Prof. Sibaji Bandyopadhyay | Philosophical Discourses of Housework in Bengal: Genealogy, History and Practices | Dec-18 |
30 | Agniv Ghosh | Jan-11 | Prof. Sibaji Bandyopadhyay | manasamiksn o bishshataker adhunik bangalir manas dwandwa | Dec-18 |
31 | Ankur Tamuli Phukan | Jan-11 | Dr. Bodhisattva Kar | Making of a national festival: Bihu in colonial and Post-colonial Assam. | Dec-17 |
32 | Madhumita Saha | Jan-11 | Prof. Rosinka Chaudhuri | Shakespeare in Nineteenth Century Bengal | Dec-20 |
33 | Meghna Dutta | Jan-11 | Prof. Sugata Marjit & Prof. Saibal Kar | Trade, FDI and Organizations of Production: a contemporary perspective | Dec-19 |
34 | Samrat Sengupta | Jan-11 | Dr. Anirban Das | Performing Revolution: Ethics of Post Colonial resistances in Bengal Narrative | Dec-14 |
35 | Sayantani Sur | Jan-11 | Prof. Manabi Majumdar | Sexualities Subjectivities and the Gender Politics of Contraception in India:1930-1977 | Dec-18 |
36 | Sreemoyee Ghosh | Jan-11 | Prof. Manabi Majumdar | Organized Informality: The Case of Industrial Informal Women Workers in Durgapur | Dec-17 |
37 | Swati Chatterjee | Jan-11 | Dr. Bodhisattva Kar | City Sensed: Body, Space and Power in Colonial Calcutta | Dec-18 |
38 | Prithwiraj Biswas | Jan-11 | Prof. Tapati Guha Thakurta | Advertising, manufactures and commodity culture in Colonial Bengal c.1880-1920 | Dec-19 |
39 | Sourav Kar Gupta | Jan-11 | Dr. Anirban Das | Precarious Objectifications: Ethics of Representation and the Figure of the Woman | Dec-14 |
List of Students enrolled and completed PhD Programe before 2010 | |||||
Sl. No. | Name | Affiliated University | Supervisor | Area of Research | |
Paroma Banerjee | Calcutta University | Keya Dasgupta | Participatory Governance in Urban and Rural West Bengal. | ||
Suryanandini Sinha | Jawaharlal Nehru University | Tapati Guha-Thakurta | The Intercepted Photograph: Interactions of painting and digital media with studio photography in India | ||
Sarani Khatua | Calcutta University | Keya Dasgupta | Urban Governance in Kolkata Municipal Corporation :A Focus on Poverty Alleviation Policies. | ||
Sushmita Ghosh | Jadavpur University | Anirban Das | Masculinity in Hindi Cinema. | ||
Debarati Bagchi | Delhi University | Bodhisattava Kar | Many Spaces of Sylhet: Making of a Regional Identity’ 1870s–1940s. | ||
Iman Kumar Mitra | Jadavpur University | Bodhisattava Kar | Some aspects of the historical evolution of the Economic Discipline. | ||
Paramita Brahmachari | Jadavpur University | Sibaji Bandyopadhyay | Othering Spaces, Forging Selves: Contemporary Cinema, Globalization and the New Indian Middle Class. | ||
Indira Biswas | Calcutta University | Gautam Bhadra | A History of All–India Radio, Calcutta Station. | ||
List of External PhD Students | ||||||||
Sl. No. | Name | Affiliated University | Supervisor | Area of Research | ||||
Purabi Banerjee | Calcutta University | Gautam Bhadra | A History of Higher Education in Bengal, 1900–1947. | |||||
Sadhan Kumar Chattopadhyay | Jadavpur University | Pranab Kumar Das | Bank Lending to Agriculture in Pre and Post–Reform Periods | |||||
Indrani Mitra | Jadavpur University | Sugata Marjit | Economic Reform and Indian Agriculture | |||||
Saswata Bhattacharya | Jadavpur University | Shibaji Bandopadhyay | The Permanent Settlement Act and the Bangla Theatre | |||||
Sumanta Mukhopadhyay | Jadavpur University | Shibaji Bandopadhyay | In Search of the “Beautiful” in Modern Bangla Discourse | |||||
Ritajyoti Bandyopadhyay | Jadavpur University | Dwaipayan Bhattacharyya | Rumblings of the Street: The Hawkers on the Pavement of Kolkata as Informal Actors in Urban Histories | |||||
Chandrima Sinha | Calcutta University | Gautam Bhadra | Caste Movement and the Mahisyas in Bengal (1875–1945) | |||||
Biswajit Mondal | Rabindrabharati University | Sugata Marjit | Trade And Corruption |
List of Scholars Awarded M.Phil in Social Sciences. The M.Phil Programme of CSSSC was affiliated to Jadavpur University |
Sl. No. | Name of M.Phil Students | Topic of Dissertation | Year of passing |
1 | Abhirup Maity | Gandhi And Games: A Study Of M.K. Gandhi’s Experiment(S) With Games/Sports | 2021 |
2 | Ambuja Raj | Mobility, Precarity and ID Cards: Studying the Social Protection of Migrants in Kerala, India'. | 2021 |
3 | Anamika Das | Sexual Misconduct at Workplace: A Critical Reading of Legal Codes and Frameworks | 2021 |
4 | Arju Khatun | Conflicts in Recognition: Representation of Bengali Muslims of West Bengal in Kafela, 1981-1993. | 2021 |
5 | Ayatree Saha | To
Sleep or Not to Sleep Studying the Sociality of Sleep in Kolkata |
2021 |
6 | Brishti Modak | Art at a Time of Crisis and Transition: The Pedagogy and Practice of Modern Art in Calcutta, 1930s -1960s. | 2021 |
7 | Madhubanti Chanda | Iconographies of piety: Studying the aesthetics, literature and print history of Sileti Nagari texts (1880-1940) | 2022 |
8 | Md. Salim Shahzada | From Dadni To Gomasta System In Eighteenth Century Bengal | 2022 |
9 | Pubali Sarkar | Labour, Leisure, and Resistance in Tea Plantations of North Bengal | 2021 |
10 | Shamayita Sen | Unmaking And Remaking Adivasi Identity: Local Meanings, Lived Experiences And Land Relations In Jhargram, West Bengal | 2021 |
11 | Shipra Gorai | Charal Aesthetic against Nirbakization: Select Works of Kalyani Thakur | 2021 |
12 | Souvik Das | Technology And Thinking: Reading Heidegger As A ‘Digital Native’ | 2022 |
13 | Suniti Hembrom | Stone mining in Birbhum: Spatial Transformation and Tribal Development (2000-2020) | 2021 |
14 | Ahana Chakrabarti | Who Is A Citizen? Examining The Citizenship Discourse In India | 2020 |
15 | Bijay Barman | Kochbihare
rajbongshi somprodayersikshagata aggragati: Akti oitihasik parjalochona
2020 |
16 | Bijleeraj Patra | Jounota
o bangla potrikar chobir jagat: Boidhotar o aboidhotar itihas |
2020 |
17 | Lasang Lepcha | Reshaping
The Space(S) Of Kurseong: New Forms Of Entreprenurship And Social
Processes |
2020 |
18 | Md. Bulbul Sheikh | ‘Anunnata’
anchale bidhi silpe vikas: Paschimbonge Murshidabad sankrantaekti samiksha
2020 |
19 | Mihika Banerjee | Staging the ra(a)striya: the patronage and politics of dance festivals in Odisha, India | 2020 |
20 | Reshma Khatoon | Sites, Songs, And Popular Depictions: The Many Afterlives Of Antony Firingi | 2020 |
21 | Pranab Karmakar | গণতন্ত্র
ও হ িংসাাঃ
২০০৩ থেঙ্গে
২০১৮ সাঙ্গের মঙ্গযয ঘঙ্গে যাওো রাজনৈহতে হ িংসার হবঙ্গেষণ |
2020 |
22 | Mousami Das | Life In A Slum : A Case Study Of Kharagpur Town | 2020 |
23 | Namrata Ghosh | “A House as Display and a House for Display”: Encountering the House Museums of Kolkata | 2020 |
24 | Sangam Ghatani | Rethinking the ‘Indian Gorkha’: A Study of Gorkha Dalit Movement in Darjeeling | 2020 |
25 | Sayatri Dutta | Dalit Women’s Autobiographies: Narratives of Caste and Gender in West Bengal | 2020 |
26 | Swarnakshee Dhar | হাসান আজিিুল হকের গল্প: ক্ষজিত মানুকের জিপন্ন িাস্তি েথা | 2020 |
27 | Ujjwala Sharma | Enemy from Within: The Logics and Functioning in Uttar Pradesh of the Enemy Property Act, 1968 | 2020 |
28 | Puja Basu | The Guides And The Monuments: Archaeological Imperatives And Making Of A Profession (1920s-1960s) | 2020 |
29 | Amrita Sikdar | Understanding Adolescent Girls' Health in Rural Daily Life : A Study from Nabadwip, West Bengal | 2020 |
30 | Swagata Das | Unnis ebong bis swataker bangle primar: sisusiksha sisumanastatva varnaparichaye theke sahajpath | 2020 |
31 | Bhaswati Roy | Language Politics and Public Sphere in North Bengal: A study of 'Rajbanshi/Kamtapuri' | 2019 |
32 | Debjani Chakrabarty | History, Orality, Denigration: Exploring the Pardhi Oeuvre | 2019 |
33 | Jigisha Bhattacharya | City, Locality and the Image Archive: A Social History of Photographic Practices in Early and Mid 20th Century Calcutta. | 2019 |
34 | Mukund Madhav Jha | Theravāda-Buddhist Networks and the Caste question in 19th and 20th Century Northern India | 2019 |
35 | Puja Sen Majumdar | Donna Haraway and the Possibilities of Deconstructive Subjectivity | 2019 |
36 | Rakib Sarkar | স্কুলের অস্তিত্বের সঙ্কট: পরিসরের আঙ্গিকে শহর কোলকাতায় শিক্ষার বাস্তব প্রতিচ্ছবি | 2019 |
37 | Rini Pratik Kujur | Contested Martyrdoms: Bearing Witness, Commemorating Violence | 2019 |
38 | Sagarika Pandey | Land, Labour and Caste in Colonial Jabalpur (1861-1890): Exploring a Labour History approach | 2019 |
39 | Shruti Sharma | A Different Ball Game: Unequal Access of Women and an Elusive Cricket Team in Rajasthan | 2019 |
40 | Sneha Manger | On being casted and categorised: A study of the Nepali community | 2019 |
41 | Sujoy Das | একটি
সামাজিক ও রাজনৈতিক সমীক্ষাঃ প্রসঙ্গ তারকেশ্বর মন্দির (১৭২৯-১৯২৯ খ্রিস্টাব্দ) |
2019 |
42 | Sukruta Alluri | The Missing Link in Indian Sociology: A Critical Study of M.N. Srinivas's Writings | 2019 |
43 | Rohitashwa Sarkar | Life and Nature in Latour: Towards a Philosophy of Biopolitics | 2019 |
44 | Amna Majeed | Inter-Faith
Marriages and the Formations of the Inter-Religious in Contemporary India:
Conversation, Transgression and Marital Life |
2018 |
45 | Angana Das | Gendered
Guilt: A Feminist Reading of Freud |
2018 |
46 | Anwesha Kar | Questioning Compulsory, Normative Maternity: Listening to the narratives of Childfree women and unconventional Mothers | 2018 |
47 | Avilasha Ghosh | The Body and its Discontents: Politics of Body Size and Its Impact on Women in Contemporary India. | 2018 |
48 | Bijuri Dey | Remnants of Naxalbari: Mapping the Fragmented Modes of Self-Writing and the Politics of Representation of Urban Decay in the Naxalbari Memoirs | 2018 |
49 | Biswajit Prasad Hazam | The Transformation of the Party Organization and Political Representation in West Bengal: An Analysis of Left Front to Trinamool Congress through Elections | 2018 |
50 | Chaitanya Majumdar | Seemante jeveka o japaner bhasamanata: Nadia o Murshidabad er prekshapat | 2018 |
51 | Debadrita Mandal | ‘Wild’ Spaces in the City: Forms of Nature, Human–Non-Human Interaction and Ethics of Animal Conservation. | 2018 |
52 | Devi Chakrabarti | Mapping Places, Monuments and Communities: A Study of Three Religious Sites in Hooghly | 2018 |
53 | Mohana Mukhopadhyay | Harman Through Heidegger: An Inquiry into the Metaphysics of Objects | 2018 |
54 | Nasima Islam | (DE)Constructing the Rural Bengali Muslim Women Sphere - a Case Study of the District of Murshidabad (Burwan Block) | 2018 |
55 | Rohan Sengupta | Lives of Reception: Mediation, Football and the Public Sphere in Postcolonial Kolkata (1957-2017) | 2018 |
56 | Sanchari Naskar | Netajinagar:
The Study of a Post-Colony |
2018 |
57 | Sandipan Mitra | Nirmalkumar Bose and the Making of Anthropology in Bengal, 1849 - 1949. | 2018 |
58 | Sayed Sarfaraz Azam | ধর্ম,ধর্মনিরপেক্ষতা,জাতিরাষ্ট্রঃ রেজাউল করীম (১৯০২-১৯৯৩) ও তাঁর সমকালীন ভারতের বৌদ্ধিক-রাজনৈতিক পরম্পরা | 2018 |
59 | Shreemoyee Chakraborty | Sharing the World: Ethics of Human/Non-Human Animals Realation | 2018 |
60 | Sneha Bhattacharyya | Beyond sex work? - Analysing the cultural reality of 'Entertainment Workers' | 2018 |
61 | Sohini Chakraborty | Of
Things Away From Home: Understanding Partition Narratives through the Trials and Travels of Objects |
2018 |
62 | Sounita Mukherjee | The City As Political Exhibitionary Space: Kolkata 2011-2018 | 2018 |
63 | Swarnadeep Sen | Colonialism and Christianity: An enquirt into the interplay between Religion and Literature in the works of Reverend Krishna Mohan Bannerjea, Toru Dutt and Michael Madhusudan Dutt | 2018 |
64 | Aritri Chakrabarti | Encountering Equines and Bovines: Livestock management and Veterinary Interventions in Colonial Bengal 1790-1930 | 2018 |
65 | Rajeev Papreja | Becoming Language, Becoming Mother-Tongue: The Journey of Modern Punjabi | 2018 |
66 | Kaberi Mondal | participation of santal women in 1855 Hul movement | 2018 |
67 | Angana Chattopadhyay | The Story of a Refugee Space: Exploring Identities and Livelihoods in Habra' | 2018 |
68 | Judaline Torcato | Making a world of a difference: justice in the thought of Iris Marion Young. | 2017 |
69 | Chandan Das | Changing scenario of handloom industry: The case of santipur | 2017 |
70 | Ivan Mani Iyer | Framing Manual Scavenging, Invisibilizing Caste: Dignity, Livelihood and Technology | 2017 |
71 | Madhumita Chatterjee | Merchants Beyond Trade: Gift-giving in the Western Indian Ocean c.1000-c.1300 | 2017 |
72 | Mayurakshi Dev | The Syedna's Children: The Dawoodi Bohras in a Globalised World | 2017 |
73 | Pooja Sanyal | Gendering Memory: Muslim Women's Narratives on the 'Long Partition. | 2017 |
74 | Pushan Sarkar | Making of an Urban Working-Class: A Case Study of Calcutta Tramways, 1873-1948 | 2017 |
75 | Salwa Yahya | Multiculturalism and the 'Muslim Question' in postcolonial India : a study of the Indian Union Muslim League | 2017 |
76 | Shamayeeta Ghosh | Situating Kundu Special: Tour Operators, Package Tours, and Middle Class Tourists of Contemporary West Bengal | 2017 |
77 | Sohini Dutta | The School of the Dropout: Women, Marginality and Education in Hooghly | 2017 |
78 | Cheshta Arora | Haraway: Objects, Relations and Sexual Difference | 2017 |
79 | Afrin Firdaus Idris | The Curious Case Of Censorship In Post-Revolutionary Iranian Cinema | 2016 |
80 | Biboswan Bose | On Death and Early Revolutionary Terror in Bengal 1902-1916 | 2016 |
81 | Labani Jangi | নদীয়া-মুর্শিদাবাদ জেলার পরিযায়ী শ্রমিক ও মুসলমান সমাজ | 2016 |
82 | Parag Jyoti Saikia | Flows of Desire: The Story of Damming a River in Upper Assam. | 2016 |
83 | Raikamal Roy | 40% disabled: what we do when we measure disability, ability, and time | 2016 |
84 | Rajashree Bhattacharyya | Knowledge, Ethics and Economics | 2016 |
85 | Satarupa Lahiri | Lives and Experiences of Indian Soldiers During the First World War 1914-1918 | 2016 |
86 | Siddhartha Chandra Mukherjee | From Spectacle to Crisis: A history of electrification in Delhi (1903-1947) | 2016 |
87 | Subro Saha | Paradox(es) of Materiality: Reading Corporeality and Agency through Judith Butler’s Early Works | 2016 |
88 | Tony Kurian | Fictions of auctions and narratives of commons: performance of spectrum in India | 2016 |
89 | Karma Sherap Bhutia | Political Transition of Sikkim | 2016 |
90 | Pintu Das | Aila-uttar, Patharpratimar pratyahiki tranprasasanik krithkausal o bisayeer nirmiti | 2016 |
91 | Vikas Kumar Moola | Understanding Telangana Movement: A Socio-Political Perspective | 2016 |
92 | Debraj Dasgupta | Nutanatwa-Bisuddhwata-Rajniti : Kamalkumarer Aral | 2015 |
93 | Geeta Thatra | (Re)inscribing caste in urban spaces: Microhistory of a Dalit Buddhist neighbourhood in Bombay | 2015 |
94 | Indrani Sengupta | Interrogating Incentives in School Education. | 2015 |
95 | Arghya Ganguly | The Incorporeal Cracks in the Autobiography | 2015 |
96 | Zeeshan Husain | Bahujan Samaj Party in Uttar Pradesh: a village level sociological understanding | 2015 |
97 | Shinjini Sircar | Cooks, Kitchen and Colony: Food, Identity and Domesticity in late Nineteenth Century India. | 2015 |
98 | Ujaan Ghosh | Temple Space and Colonial Governance: A Political History of Religion and State in 19th Century Puri | 2015 |
99 | Soumita Mazumder | The Clique of the Club: A Small History of Nationalism in Calcutta, 1920-1947 | 2015 |
100 | Arka Deb Banerjee | Famine Relief Policy of Bengal in 1896-97: A District-Oriented Micro-History | 2014 |
101 | Arunima Chakraborty | Subjected to': Analysing Agency, Victimhood, Subversion in the Discourses of Sex Work ansd Sex Trafficking | 2014 |
102 | Ritwika Mishra | Imperial Collecting and Museum making: the Study of Victoria Memorial Hall | 2014 |
103 | Rohan Basu | A Cinema of Atmosphere: Enjoyment & Ethics in Alternative Bollywood | 2014 |
104 | Rukmini Chakraborty | The Unruly Sea' : Bay of Bengal and contours of Colonial Spatialities (1770-1850) | 2014 |
105 | Samyak Ghosh | "Land of martyrs" : Event, memory and identity in South Assam | 2014 |
106 | Saumyashree Ghosh | Geographies of Capital: Railways and Merchant Networks in Eastern India, c.1870-1914 | 2014 |
107 | Shaheen K. | The Domain of Orthodoxy: Sufi and Shari tradition in Colonial Malabar | 2014 |
108 | Swathy S. | Traching the Career of Aesthetics in the City: Delhi in its Urban Art Commission. | 2014 |
109 | Arijeet Mandal | Struggle for Kamtapur: Haunting Spectres and Changing Panrheons ( A Study in the Political Ideas of the Kamtapuri Movement) | 2014 |
110 | Koyel Lahiri | “Aachhi aar thaakbo”: Towards a reading of the politics of the Hawker Sangram Committee | 2013 |
111 | Pinaki Roy | Born to Procreate: Figuring the Maternal Bodies in ART | 2013 |
112 | Praskanva Sinharay | Re-emergence of Dalits in West Bengal: Matua Mahasangha and A
New Politics of Mediation |
2013 |
113 | Sangita Saha | Policing, Crime and Evidence-Gathering in Colonial Calcutta and its Suburbs: 1860s to 1900s' | 2013 |
114 | Sayori Ghosal | Frozen Figures and Fluid Cells: fables of recognition and the other | 2013 |
115 | Senjuti Chakraborti | Racism, Law, and Literature: Observations on liberal law and 20th century African American fiction | 2013 |
116 | Sreenanti Banerjee | Rethinking
‘Universal Sisterhood’: Towards a Theorization of the Post-Globalization Construction of the ‘New Indian Woman’, Sexual Violence and Feminist Politics |
2013 |
117 | Sreya Banerjee | Middle Class Educational Activism: The Changing Profile of the 'Family-School' Nexus in Kolkata, 1990 to 2010 | 2013 |
118 | Sujeet C. George | Colonial State and Administration in Western India, 1820s - 1880s | 2013 |
119 | Sebanti Chatterjee | 'Classicism' and 'Dynamism' in Western Classical Music in India: A comparative Study of Practices across Bombay, Calcutta and Goa. | 2012 |
120 | Sourit Bhattacharya | The Animal in Kafka and Coetzee's Fiction: A Note on the Threshold | 2012 |
121 | Maharghya Chakraborty | Beyond Here Lies Nothing: Re-viewing Disaster Cinema (1996-2012) | 2012 |
122 | Anwesha Ghosh | Marking the Market: Organization of Exchange in Calcutta, 1860s – 1920s | 2012 |
123 | Yagna Nag Chaudhuri | 'Performing Kabir': The Many Lives of a Medieval Saint | 2012 |
124 | Ammel Sharon | With Angels and Apes: Deliberating Feminist Futures | 2012 |
125 | Kena Wani | Statues and Symbolic Politics: Ambedkar in Dalit Representational Identities | 2012 |
126 | Piya Srinivasan | Rites of Passage: law, agency and struggles for space in the lives of “street" children in central Delhi | 2012 |
127 | Piya Chakraborty | Interrogating 'Chinese-ness': Memories and Identities of the Chinese Community in Kolkata | 2012 |
128 | Santanu Sengupta | Rethinking the Network: The Armenians in 17th-18th century Bay of Bengal. | 2012 |
129 | Romit Chowdhury | Mobilizing Male Resentment: A Critique of Men's Rights Groups in Contemporary India | 2012 |
130 | Rupsa Ray | pashchimbanger chatkal shramik; smriti, satta, andolon | 2012 |
131 | Saswati Saha | Translating Primers: the Politics of Knowledge-making in nineteenth-century Bengal (1840-1880) | 2012 |
132 | Parjanya Sen | Voices of Monuments: Narratives of Gaur and Pandua | 2012 |
133 | Arunita Mukherjee | Right on the Pavement- Perspectives of Planning and Negotiaitons of Street Vendors in Kolkata | 2011 |
134 | Daminee Basu | Narrativizing Pain: Ritual, Censorship and Theatre in the Perormance of Pain in Chadak. | 2011 |
135 | Darshana Sreedhar | Retracing Sexualities in Public Discourses: Family Planning, Sex Education and Governable Subjects' | 2011 |
136 | Jayanti Ghosh | Economic Analysis of Female Labour force Participation in India: A comparative Study | 2011 |
137 | Kaustubh Das | Khandagiri Udayagiri: Inhabitations and contestations | 2011 |
138 | Moumita Sen | Clay-gods, Angels and Dustbins: A Story of the Idols and Idol-makers of Kumortuli. | 2011 |
139 | Najnin Islam | Identities in the making: training to become 'sachha' Sikhs | 2011 |
140 | Priyankar Dey | Negotiating Mechanization: Machines for Manufacture, Transfer of Skill and Mechanical Knowledge in Late Colonial Bengal. | 2011 |
141 | Sagnik Atarthi | Articulating an Aesthetic for Performance: On the Threshold of Modern Music Criticism | 2011 |
142 | Sanjna Mukhopadhyay | 2011 | |
143 | Sayantan Saha Roy | Making the Female Foetus Speak: Sex Selective Abortions and the Problem of Law in India | 2011 |
144 | Subhankar Ghosh | Political Making of the Muslim Self in Postcolonial West Bengal. | 2011 |
145 | Zaid Al Baset | Truth and Other Lies: Telling Queer Stories | 2011 |