
Lakshmi Subramanian
Professor of History
Ph.d. (Viswa Bharati, Santiniketan)
Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta
R–1, Baishnabghata Patuli Township, Kolkata – 700 094, India
Tel : +91 (0)33 2462 7252 / 5794 / 5795 / 2436 8313 / 7794 / 95 / 97
Room Extn. : 213 Fax : +91 (0)33 2462 6183
Email : lakshmi@cssscal.org
I have had a long teaching and research career and in that capacity the opportunity of serving a number of universities in India and abroad. This has enabled me to participate actively in framing and teaching history at several levels from the undergraduate to the pre-doctoral level and in translating some of my experience into an advanced text book on Indian History. (History of India, 1757-1857, Orient BlackSwan, 2010) In terms of research and specialized interest, I have been able to successfully carve an important field of India’s cultural history, especially relating to music and performance in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. I have written extensively on this and continue to explore new ways of understanding the challenges of writing and archiving music history. I have continued to engage with the field of maritime history, in which I was trained. My initial interest was in exploring the ramifications of Indian capital formations in pre-colonial and early colonial India looking specifically at Gujarat and Bombay in the 18th and early 19th centuries. Subsequently I have looked more closely at social networks including those of piracy and predation in the Indian Ocean and have enjoyed the distinction of making an original contribution to this growing field. My expertise and interest in business and commercial history has enjoyed a fair degree of recognition on the basis of which I have been invited to coordinate a research network under the India-Europe Advanced Research network for three years from 2018-21.