
Indrajit Mallick
Associate Professor in Economics
Ph.D. (Jadavpur University, India)
Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta
R–1, Baishnabghata Patuli Township, Kolkata – 700 094, India
Tel : +91 (0)33 2462 7252 / 5794 / 5795 / 2436 8313 / 7794 / 95 / 97
Room Extn. : 210 Fax : +91 (0)33 2462 6183
Email : indrajit@cssscal.org
Research Interests
Money and Banking Theory, Game Theory, Financial History and Economic Analysis of Law.
Courses Taught
Law and Economics (Optional Course)
Syllabus : Philosophy of law, law in practice, principles of economics, overlapping domains of law and economics, economic analysis of (a) contract law (b) law of property rights (c) law of torts (d) constitutional law (e) legislation by parliament (f) common law (g) administrative law (h) civil procedure (i) regulation of industries.
Financial History (Optional Course)
The course covers the financial history of developed as well as developing economies. The rise and evolution of financial capitalism is analyzed. The history of the international monetary and payments system is studied together with the institutions and market forces determining capital flows and development finance. The evolution of financial institutions like Central Banking, Financial Intermediaries and Financial Markets is studied in the context of the policy goals of financial stability and economic development. Public Finance is studied in conjunction with political economy and the developments of capital market. The history of financial crises has been examined in light of the structural changes in financial markets. The nature of financial system development and its relation with economic growth and development has been discussed.