
Asha Singh
Assistant Professor in Gender Studies
Ph.D. in Social Sciences from Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai
Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta
R–1, Baishnabghata Patuli Township, Kolkata – 700 094, India
Tel : +91 (0)33 2462 7252 / 5794 / 5795 / 2436 8313 / 7794 / 95 / 97
Room Extn. : 313 Fax : +91 (0)33 2462 6183
Email : asha@cssscal.org
Research Interests
Dr. Asha Singh is an Assistant Professor in Gender Studies with Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta . She has also taught at Ambedkar University-Delhi, Amity University-Noida, Adamas University-Kolkata and Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya-Wardha (Kolkata centre). Prior to her academic career, she was a journalist in Hindi newspapers NaiDunia, Bhopal and Lokmat Samachar, Maharashtra. Her PhD is from Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai/Bombay. Her doctoral work focuses on the intersections of gender, caste and migration in Bhojpuri folksongs. Her current research focuses on the sociology of Bhojpuri language and folklore, its institutional history and implications on social transformation. She also has written on OBC women's question. She has published with EPW, Sociological Bulletin, Sage, Routledge and Prabudhha. As a bilingual scholar she has contributed essays in popular platforms like Hindustan Times. Some of her noted works are — Of Women, by Men: Understanding the ‘First Person Feminine’in Bhojpuri Folksongs; Bhojpuri folk songs as scripts of conjugal performance; Differentiating the Hindi Subject: Bhojpuri Experience; Parched and Feminism: Are all Women’s Stories Same etc.